Celebrate 30 YEARS with us!

Take Your Faith to the Next Level at the 2024 SteadFast Apologetics & Evangelism National Conference!

SES Center for Innovative Training

elevate your faith

In a post-Christian world, the ability to remain steadfast in the truth requires intentional preparation. Whether you need integrated apologetics-focused Christian education or need cutting-edge Christian worldview and discipleship resources for you or your church, we have you covered.

Take your stand

Join the Revolution.
Spread the Gospel.

Take Your Faith to the Next Level

Don’t miss the 30th annual SES Steadfast National Conference – a celebration of faith, thought, and dialogue. For three decades, this conference has stood at the forefront of apologetics and evangelism training, bringing together scholars, students, and seekers of truth. Join us as we continue this proud tradition, delving into the profound questions of Christianity and fostering an environment of intellectual and spiritual growth. 

If you missed the conference in 2023, revisit President Ginn’s presentation. It is a moving and motivating message that will prepare you for the initiatives rolling out at this year’s conference.


Stand Steadfast in the Christian Faith with Our Innovative Resources

As the world becomes more challenging to the Christian faith, stand steadfast in the truth of the gospel. You are hand-chosen by God for such a time as this to impact our culture and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Empower Your Faith Journey

Discover game-changing truth and empowering resources designed to help you and your church thrive in a rapidly shifting terrain. Sign up for our 21 Days of Prayer initiative and access training, content, and connections tailored for today’s Christian leaders.

Upcoming Christian Resources and Curriculum

Stay tuned for our upcoming resources and curriculum designed to build strong disciples, families, and congregations.


Equip yourself and your church with comprehensive training that builds strong disciples and prepares you to answer tough questions.


Join our Christian leader networks and connect with like-minded believers in your area who will stand with you.


Access a wealth of content including podcasts, videos, and articles that entertain, inform, and empower you to reach the world with the good news of the gospel.

Sign up for our 21 Days of Prayer initiative  and be the first to receive our latest resources and updates.

Join us in spreading the gospel and making a lasting impact for the Kingdom.

Sign Up for the 21 Days of Prayer Initiative

Truth That Matters released its first content package to cultivate a revival in the church. "Breaking Strongholds: 21 Days of Prayer for Spiritual Revival" identifies transformational areas of Christian discipleship to spur revival within the church and the culture. Sign up below to join us on this prayer journey. Breaking Strongholds includes:

21 Days of Prayer


Over 500 Hours of Apologetics Content

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